Bell Gully advised Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development on the successful western Porirua public housing partnership signed with Ngāti Toa at Takapūwāhia Marae on 28 November 2019. The firm’s team was led by partners Hugh Kettle and Angela Harford, along with senior associate Claire Harmsworth and solicitor Philip Zander.
Hei tā Bell Gully ki te rōpū Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities, te Ministry of Housing and Urban Development i runga i te angitu o te kaupapa whakahoahoa tūmatanui mō te whakatū kāinga ki te uru i Porirua i waitohua me Ngāti Toa i te marae o Takapūwāhia, i te 28 o Whiringa ā-rangi 2019. Na ngā rangatira whakahoa tonu o te kamupene a Hugh Kettle rāua ko Angela Harford, tūhono atu ki a rāua ko Claire Harmsworth, he hoamahi matua, me Philip Zander, he rōia.
Bell Gully partner Hugh Kettle said “Bell Gully is delighted to have advised on this transformational partnership for Kāinga Ora, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and Ngāti Toa.”
Hei tā Hugh Kettle “E harikoa ana a Bell Gully ki te mahi i runga i tēnei kaupapa, he kaupapa e panoni ai i ngā whakahoatanga i waenga i a Kāinga Ora, i te Ministry of Housing and Urban Development me te iwi o Ngāti Toa.”
The partnership will see Ngāti Toa’s new community housing provider, Te Āhuru Mōwai, manage properties and tenancies for over 900 state homes in western Porirua for 25 years, starting on 1 July 2020. Through the partnership, Ngāti Toa will manage the maintenance and upgrade of the Kāinga Ora properties to make them warmer and drier for tenants.
Nā tēnei whakahoanga ka kitea te rōpū hapori hou o Ngāti Toa, a Te Āhuru Mōwai. Ko tōna whāinga he whakahaere i ngā whare me ngā kaireti mō ngā kāinga neke atu i te 900 ki te taha hauāuru o Porirua mō ngā tau 25 tau e heke mai ana, ā, tīmata ai hei te 1 Hongongoi 2020. Nā i roto i ēnei whakahoanga, ko te mahi a Ngāti Toa he whakahaere i ngā mahi whakapaipai, whakahou hoki i ngā whare a Kāinga Ora, e mahana ake ai, e hauora ai te noho o ngā kaireti.
The partnership with Ngāti Toa is part of the Porirua Development project which is expected to result in the renewal of 2,900 public houses and at least 2,000 new homes across Porirua City. Kris Faafoi, Associate Minister of Housing, says the partnership will improve the quality of state housing in western Porirua, deepen the Crown-Māori relationship, and demonstrate the Government’s commitment to Te Ao Māori.
He wāhanga tēnei whakahoanga me Ngāti Toa i te kaupapa whānui o Whanake Porirua, arā, te Porirua Development, tōna otinga ko te whakahoutanga o ngā kāinga tūmatanui e tū ana i ēnei rā, arā, 2,900 te rahi, me ngā kāinga hou, arā, 2,000 te rahi, huri noa i te taone o Porirua. Hei tā Kris Faafoi, Minita Tuarua mō ngā Take Whare, mā tēnei whakahoanga e whakapai ake i te kounga o ngā kāinga ki te uru o Porirua, e whakapai ake i te tūhononga Māori me te Karauna me te whakaatu hoki i te ngākau nui a te Karauna ki Te Ao Māori.
Bell Gully partner Angela Harford commented that “it was a real privilege for the Bell Gully team to work with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and Kāinga Ora on this very significant transaction. We wish all three partners every success with this special partnership.”
Hei tā Angela Harford, “he hōnore tonu tēnei mō tā mātau rōpū o Bell Gully ki te mahitahi me te Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, me Kāinga Ora hoki i runga i tēnei kaupapa whakahirahira. Ko te tūmanako, ko te wawata ka angitu tātou katoa i roto i tēnei whakahoanga motuhake.”